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FATF Consultation on Beneficial Ownership and Transparency

31 October 2023
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FATF Consultation on Beneficial Ownership and Transparency

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Consultation on amending Recommendation 25 on Beneficial Ownership and Transparency of Legal Arrangements.

Feedback is welcomed from firms and stakeholders, particularly in the following question areas:

  • Purposes of express trusts;
  • Activities to be included in the definition of trust administration, if any;
  • Additional mechanisms available to ensure access to beneficial ownership information in the context of trusts;
  • Suggested approaches to identify, assess, and mitigate the ML/TF risks linked with different types of legal arrangements;
  • The circumstances in which a non-professional trustee would be chosen; and
  • Jurisdictions’ obligations surrounding non-professional trustees.

Comments and any drafting proposals are invited to be received by 8 December.